Columbian Medium Roast

Columbian Medium Roast


Colombia | Café Femenino | Single Origin Specialty Coffee

Flavor Profile: Orange noted rich chocolate and dried fruit-infused full body.
Roast: Medium
Region: Cauca
Farm (Finca): A cooperative lot of Cauca farms
Altitude: 1,400 – 1,900 meters
Variety: Caturra, Colombia, Castillo
Process: Wet, Fully Washed


This single origin Colombian Café Femenino comes from the COSURCA cooperative of farms in Cauca. It is the product of a community of women coffee farmers based in Cauca. These hard working women are part of the Café Femenino Colombia Program.

When you choose Blackwoods Coffee’s Colombian Café Femenino, you’re choosing more than a specialty coffee. You’re choosing to stand with women coffee farmers fighting for the credit they deserve and the voice they need to empower themselves and their communities.

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
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